One of our mottos is
“The quality at the customer’s service”.
Microcochlea S.r.l.
Our Quality Management System allows us to work with companies for which a certified supplier is usually an essential requirement. This is because we believe that everyone contributes to Quality at all stages, from the receipt of the drawing to be evaluated for the offer, to the production and supply of the products. Each person involved in the process is aware that their contribution is essential to the success of the work and customer satisfaction.

Quality Department
Our Quality Department staff have precision instruments at their disposal which are periodically checked and calibrated. Since we produce to our customer's exclusive design, it is often necessary to design and manufacture custom check plates, comparators, go/no-go gauges - all to ensure that the parts correspond to the drawings and specifications provided by the customer.
On request, it is possible to certify and issue a report for all the audits of each stage of the production process: from the chemical analysis of the raw material, to the certifications of heat treatments, galvanic coating thickness and corrosion resistance analysis. All the analyses are provided by our suppliers and compared with in-house tests carried out with the specific instruments supplied to our operators. Each technical specification as per the drawing can be measured and analysed. In fact, in addition to the measurement reports, we are also able to provide statistical process analyses (CP-CPK), in order to meet even the most demanding requirements.